>.< Morning, i even cant really get up very fast..too tired but still need to get up as i need to reach school at 8am to do things. Last night, my colleague called me said she's unable to come work as she need to bring him go hospital see doctor.Ah!I was in blank.I'm already sick and still need to take notes..
This morning i went to center writing down who can go send students. Realising that i only got one teacher and me.How are we going to send so many students!! No choice, we got to bring a group out with us. Some more today the pioneer is taking normal timing le. That means they are going late.The last group of students to go is Westgrove students.If i go send pioneer, that means nobody is in the center.and which is cant! we need someone in the center. No chioce.I asked my principal whether he can stay for a little while before going to the other center.lucky he can.If not those pioneer morning session come back nobody..
I was able to settle much in afternoon, all the teachers came.The most irritate me is in sleeping time. Some students had homework to do, so they stay inside the first classroom. With two teachers inside they still very noisy.so i went in and scolded them. I don't scold student without reason. There is one girl who i cant stand. She keeps on talking and talking with the friend beside her, i go talk to her once, telling her why they should be inside the classroom.The reason why they will be in this classroom is because they haven finish the homework and there are teachers to help them, we are not letting them inside to just chitchat. If like that i'm sure the parent will rather ask them go home than wasting money there to let the child chitchat.She did stop talking but not long, i came in one more time and this time i really fed up. I talk to her and telling her the reason why she should keep quiet.Everyone is having their nap time behind and you are here talking and talking.. behind also can hear her voice. some students complain said very noisy. then she keep quiet, the moment i turn out of the classroom, started and worse! talking bad things. My another colleague heard. we didn't care much because this girl always like that, that teacher that say her, she will say bad things about teachers.The teacher also heard her voice, she also went to talk to her askher keep quiet, again once the teacher walk away, she talk bad about the teacher.If the parents know that, she sure get caning from them. The child came from a very strict family but yet behaving like no discipline. Disappointed.
Tired of that, tomorrow my supervisor will be back, so i need to list down what did the students doing for this two days. Back to my work.Enjoy everyone!